VOCABULARY: ‘Little League’ homer


Yankees hold off Red Sox thanks to overturned call, ‘Little League’ homer
By Dan Martin September 14, 2022 10:49pm Updated

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The second baseman’s resurgence continued with his RBI single in the fifth inning that turned into a Keystone Kops home run thanks to some inept defense by the Red Sox, who made three errors on the night that led to four unearned runs.

In the fifth, Torres singled to right to drive in Aaron Hicks and then catcher Connor Wong took Verdugo’s throw from right and in an attempt to get Torres who had wandered too far around first, threw the ball back into right field.

It allowed Judge to score easily and a hustling Torres circled the bases and slid home safely.

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Interesting new “word” — Little League Homer — to describe something that is often seen in Little League games where they throw the ball around allowing runners to advance.


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