HEALTH: A doctor gets paid if you live or die


(This meme appeared coincidentally!)

A doctor a day keeps the apples away
Doctor Michael Greger

*** begin quote ***

How little “modern medicine” has to benefit us?

Making people live longer is basically non-existant.

Prevention is worth a tom of cure.

Doctors being named the leading killer.

*** end quote ***

I don’t often cite podcasts in my blog.

It’s too hard to get a transcript and no one likes to listen?

But if you just spend five minutes listening to this segment, then I guaranty it will change how you think about doctors and medicine.

After my sainted wife’s experience with the “medical industry”, I have rate doctors as above used car salesmen, but below most auto mechanics.  The salesmen know they are lying but you do too. And most auto mechanics can fix a problem on the first shot.


Listen to this segment and give me your comments.


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