HEALTH: Keep the SCAMDEMIC pumping money into Big Pharma

Pediatricians Remove Info on Mask Risks, Dangers for Kids
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola — September 20, 2021

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  • To support the unsubstantiated long-term use of masks, the AAP declared masks do not impact infant and child brain health and development and subsequently removed years of data and education that said children need facial cues
  • They support the use of masks in children suggesting “… when one sense is taken away, the others may be heightened.” However, speech therapists, physicians and parents heartedly disagree
  • Masking has also had a significant impact on people learning to speak English or who are hearing impaired
  • The AAP stated there are no studies to support the concern that child development would be impeded by constant masking, yet random controlled studies to analyze the effect would never have passed an ethical review board
  • Masking removes infants’ and young children’s ability to read facial expressions, which can raise levels of anxiety and interfere with emotion recognition and trust building

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Throughout 2020 and 2021, ever since the declared COVID-19 pandemic, government officials consistently have been inconsistent in their assessments and recommendations for public health. In August 2021, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) joined the ranks when they endorsed the CDC’s recommendation for masking.1

Since they did not want to be seen holding inconsistent positions, they removed years of information from their website that explained the importance of facial cues to early brain and child development. The removal of the content culminated August 12, 2021, with the fourth in a series of tweets, in which they said:2

“Babies and young children study faces, so you may worry that having masked caregivers would harm children’s language development. There are no studies to support this concern. Young children will use other clues like gestures and tone of voice.”

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Just follow the money.  As with most “science”, Big Pharma bought this “retraction” to keep the SCAMDEMIC rolling money into them.


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