GOVERNACIDE: How the Lead Paint and Gas Industries Got Away with It |

“The lead industry was able to achieve its influence in large part by being the primary supporter of research on health effects of lead,” and it got the best science money could buy. “Long before Big Tobacco, the lead industry understood the inestimable value of purchasing ‘good science.’”

Source: How the Lead Paint and Gas Industries Got Away with It |

# – # – # – # – #

Anyone who expects Gooferment or “Big Science” to protect “We, The Sheeple” will be sadly disappointed.

Consumers have to be their own “scientist”, doctor, and coach.

Yes, it is nearly impossible to break bad habits, but one can do it if you put your will power to work.

(I’ve given up bacon, as well as milk and sugar in my coffee!  Small steps; maybe too late.)

I regret my buying into all the propaganda and negative hype about “vegans”.

Perhaps someone will read this and take heed to the ravings of fat old white guy retired injineer who’s a poor old senior citizen on a fixed income.


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