MONEY: Ocasio-Cortez’s rise reveals rampant economic illiteracy in US

Every educated person should understand basic supply and demand. If someone is in the business of laking laws that the rest of us must adhere to, they should ABSOLUTELY have a basic understanding of supply and demand. Sadly, economic ignorance is widespread among both the public and lawmakers.

Source: Ocasio-Cortez’s rise reveals rampant economic illiteracy in US

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It’s sad that some one so “uneducated” could be elected.

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2 thoughts on “MONEY: Ocasio-Cortez’s rise reveals rampant economic illiteracy in US

  1. Agree. Tariffs are taxes on US consumers. If he’s trying to get trade barriers down, that’s not the way to do it. But, it’s not like most of the politicians and bureaucrats have an understanding of economics. The ones that do are few and far between. She’s a socialist who has ZERO concept of what “medicare for all” would cost. LBJ’s “Medicare” was a similar disaster and “Medicaid” is a disgrace. Sigh!


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