GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Gooferment Skrules should be teaching more about the Shoah and other genocides


Why we’re forgetting the Holocaust
By Karol Markowicz
April 15, 2018 | 7:06pm

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A scary new survey released on Holocaust Remembrance Day purported to show that Americans are forgetting the atrocities of the Holocaust. What it really showed, however, was that Americans don’t learn enough to forget in the first place.

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Yet lack of Holocaust knowledge had become so pervasive that in 2016 Michigan and Rhode Island passed bills requiring Holocaust and genocide education in high school, joining New York, New Jersey, California, Florida and Illinois. Several organizations are pushing to expand this mandate to all 50 states.

That would be a good start. As these surveys show, students need to be taught not just the basics but the details. The Holocaust stands apart as one of the few world events students should have to master.

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Instead of protesting the Second Amendment, the “children” should know about the direct relationship between a disarmed population and genocides. 

If there not going to learn the three R’s, then they should learn how to shoot.


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