POLITICAL: Time to shutdown the IRS and the FBI


Jerry Breen
5 hrs · 

Here’s another cartoon on the “explosive” Nunes memo. It was supposed to “blow up” the Russia investigation. Instead, it exposed the fact that Trump’s campaign recruited someone identified as a Russian spy 3 years earlier to be a foreign policy advisor! Good move, Republicans! Keep it up!

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I think you are misreading the impact of the memo. Senior FBI officials were not the impartial agents of goodness that Elliot Ness and Effram Zimbilist Jr portrayed them to be. In fact, even by the “loose” standards of FISA, senior FBI officials misled the Court to issue warrants on an incomplete basis. Possible perjurious. Like when the BHO44 used the IRS against his political opponents, here’s EVIDENCE that the same thing happened at the FBI. Both imho are equally unacceptable. Hence the IRS and FBI must be shutdown to prevent it from happening again.

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