LIBERTY: Is “liberaltarian” just a new name for socialist?

The New Progressives By David Gordon November 18, 2017

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Brink Lindsey self-identifies as a libertarian; and Steven Teles is a modern liberal. They have together devised a new “liberaltarian” outlook. (The word combines elements of “libertarian” and “egalitarian”) It is a new name for an old way of thinking, and students of the Progressives will find little to surprise them.

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Certainly seems so.

The key principle of little L libertarians is the “non aggression principle”

I first heard the easiest explanation of it by Jason Stapleton when he quoted a book title “Don’t hurt people and don’t take their stuff”.

I’m not the arbiter of who’s a “libertarian” and who’s not, but it’s hard to see “Brink Lindsey” as a “libertarian”, regardless of how he self-identifies.

Small limited government is the very least degree of liberatianism as I know it.

The welfare / warfare state as we currently have is not by any stretch of the imagination “libertarian”.

And “progressivism” is merely code for socialism, imho

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