RANT: Gooferment “welfare” trains people to “starve”

From personal experience of four people I know, I have concluded that Gooferment “welfare” is the most destructive and personality eroding program that I have ever seen. It literally gives people enough to make them “lazy” and dependent while not giving them enough to not “starve”. Here in the Pepuls Republik of Nu Jerzee, the “standard amount” seems to be about 12k$ per year — give or take. Apartment rentals are easily that; so they are force into Section 8 or “low income” units. Quality varies all over the spectrum. Since folks are starving, they are “forced” on to “food stamps” and “food banks”.

So what if there was no Gooferment welfare, in both cases I know, the first individual’s family could take care of their relative pretty easily. In the second and third case, they could get jobs. And, in the fourth case, employment would be a challenge.

Would they all be better off? Undoubtedly, imho.

Instead, two “sponge”, the third seeks “off the books” income from the underground economy and small lottery wins, and the fourth is just a lost soul. The fourth is overwhelmed by “poverty thinking”.

It’s so sad. 

Extend that experience to the vast numbers on the public dole, and it is a “human disaster” of epic proportions.

As I have said before, “there are too many in the wagon and to few pulling the wagon”.

Sooner or later, the “makers” will convert to “takers” out of frustration with the “system”. But the “system” is great for creating voters for politicians and bureaucrats who promise and give “free” stuff.


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