RANT: Is “global warming” today’s version of the 1970’s “global cooling”?


The Benefits of Global Warming
By Butler Shaffer
May 21, 2016

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Religious dogmas can find their roots in scientific as well as theological thinking. Questioning either the “intelligent design” or “big bang” explanations for the origins of the universe can evoke angry responses from true-believers on either side of the issue. In the case of the High-Church Warmingists, a verifiable fact (i.e., increased temperature) is merged with an empirically unfounded assertion (i.e., human activity is the causal explanation) to provide true believers the rationale for their rule over mankind. Those who deny this article of faith are targeted for dismissal in academia and even televised weather shows.

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It’s all about the “rule over mankind”.

Like the “High Priests” of old, it’s nice to have job where you don’t sweat and live high on the hog.

Of course, those who live too high on the hog at the expense of the rabble, soon find themselves on the guillotine.

Wonder when the rabble will revolt against the Hollywood “stars”, politicians, and bureaucrats?

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