LINKEDIN: “Save to Contacts” feature removed silently

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Note: As part of our ongoing efforts to invest our resources in building a better LinkedIn, we’re retiring the Save to Contacts feature on February 25, 2016. You’ll still access all of the Contacts you’ve previously saved by going to your Connections list, choosing the Filter By Tag option, and selecting the Saved_Contacts tag.

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I used this feature a lot.

It just disappeared. 

Hence I’m dropping the premium feature of LinkedIn.

Sad, when these “services” go rogue.

Guess they don’t need my money!

Too bad. Argh!

# – # – # – # – #  

One thought on “LINKEDIN: “Save to Contacts” feature removed silently

  1. Yes… very frustrating! I use this feature a lot as well and this is the first mention of it being disabled that I could find anywhere! I thought maybe it was only because I had the most basic “paid” subscription but it seems that it must have been moved from all levels.


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