TINFOILHAT: FBI declares its unconstitutional domestic spying program “secret”


Are FBI Informants Working Inside America’s Churches?
By Bob McCarty
March 3, 2015

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“The FBI argues that the discovery (he) seeks would be futile since ‘illegal’ activity by the federal government is shielded from disclosure under FOIA if covered by an exemption.”

He went on to question how the FBI can, in good faith, claim that a national security exemption allows the Bureau to declare its unconstitutional domestic spying program “secret” and, in turn, allows them to keep their illegal activities hidden from the public.

“It is an absurd — no, arrogant — position for the FBI to take,” he said

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One has to assume that there are secret Gooferment programs to spy on “We, The Sheeple”.

The question is when does surveillance turn into instigation?

It’s a violation of the Fourth Amendment.


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