GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Where’s the Grand Jury for HRC’s email?

I’ve deleted all my personal emails and the server will remain private: Hillary Clinton reveals HALF her inbox has not been handed over and says she used one account for convenience
Clinton made peace with the public after her speech to the U.N.
Only acknowledgement of the email controversy had been through a spokesman and a single tweet
Former Secretary of State’s spokesman said Clinton had complied with in ‘both the letter and spirit of the rules’
Her tweet called on the State Department to make public the 55,000 pages of messages her team turned over
Even after the presser questions lingered about Clinton’s use of a private server, which she said would remain out of the government’s grasp
Clinton is reportedly looking to launch her presidential campaign on April 1
PUBLISHED: 08:31 EST, 10 March 2015 | UPDATED: 14:59 EST, 10 March 2015

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Hillary Clinton addressed her use of a private email system during her four years at the State Department during a news conference today in New York City, ending her days long silence on the issue.Clinton explained that she used a personal email address so that she didn’t have to carry around two phones or two devices.’I saw it as a matter of convenience, it was allowed, others had done it,’ she said during a press conference on Tuesday afternoon.Clinton insisted that she had turned over all of her work-related emails to the State Department  – which constituted about half of her inbox – and suggested that she deleted messages that were strictly personal in nature so that they did not become public.  She later made it sound as her personal communications remain on a private server that she shares with husband Bill, however, and told reporters that she would not give the government access to her personal property.

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Sounds like she has committed two felonies and perhaps perjury.

Federal Records Retention Act — twice.

Swear on the State Department exit form under oath?


If David Petraeus convicted for classified leaks, then it’s only fair to treat HRC the same?

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