POLITICAL: Gulf of Tonkin was entirely fabricated


2015 Reminder: Government Word is Worthless
Robert Barsocchini
Washington’s Blog
January 3rd, 2015

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1. Pentagon historians write (ch. 18) that in June, 1964, a top US official relayed a secret message to the military commander of the brutal and hated US puppet-dictatorship in South Vietnam that “…the United States Government would in the immediate future be preparing U.S. public opinion for actions against North Vietnam.”

Within two months, on August 2, 1964, the United States Government carried out its planned, coordinated Gulf of Tonkin disinformation campaign.  US officials coordinated with each other and fabricated an entire event, then announced the fake event to the US public via various media outlets, to justify a massive escalation of the USA’s ongoing genocide against the people of Vietnam and Indochina generally.

US officials said, straight to the faces of the US public, that Vietnam attacked a civilian US ship in international waters.  In reality, it was a US military ship illegally invading Vietnamese territorial waters, and it was never attacked.  The US followed this up by entirely fabricating yet another such story.

Having thus “prepared” US public opinion through mass, coordinated, brazen lying, the US proceeded to kill millions more people in Indochina and send tens of thousands more young US men (many under forced death-labor, or “draft”, “laws”, which US officials also made up) to their violent deaths.  At the same time, the US was persecuting and brutally repressing people at home for peacefully speaking out against the war, jailing them as well as firing live rounds into crowds, killing or crippling several young people.

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I disagree with the author about “worthless”. It’s less than “worthless”. It’s a NEGATIVE!

“We, The Sheeple” can’t trust ANYTHING from the Gooferment, or it’s lapdog propaganda arm laugably called the Media.

Just look at anything the Gooferment, its politicians, and its bureaucrats say.

It’s spun, parse, tweaked, and usually not true.

Sorry, but secession is the only option.

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