RANT: Blood Center of New Jersey shuts down

December 15, 2014

Dear Valued Donor:

I am writing to let you know about important news affecting the Blood Center of New Jersey (BCNJ). As you may know, the blood center has experienced significant financial difficulties over the past several years. To better serve the community, the Board of Trustees has taken steps to transition our operations to Community Blood Services (CBS), one of the oldest and largest New Jersey-based blood centers.

There are some legal processes to complete before the transition is completed, but BCNJ and CBS are working together to ensure that the transfer of operations occurs with minimal inconvenience to our donors and customers. We expect to know more in the next several weeks but until then, our blood centers are open and we and CBS are conducting blood drives throughout the area.

I urge you to continue to donate blood and to encourage friends and family to join you to assure a strong blood supply for the holidays. We will keep you posted on our news and hope to see you on a drive soon.



Thomas R. Koester
Chief Financial Officer

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Argh! No wonder my platelet donations have been screwed up. 

I’ve rescheduled with ARC.


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LIBERTY: Jury Nullification is alive and well in Kansas


The Volokh Conspiracy
‘If you do not have a reasonable doubt … then you will enter a verdict of guilty’
By Eugene Volokh December 30, 2014
From the Kansas Supreme Court’s decision in State v. Smith-Parker (Kan. Dec. 24, 2014):

*** begin quote ***

The [jury] instruction read: “If you do not have a reasonable doubt from all the evidence that the State has proven murder in the first degree on either or both theories, then you will enter a verdict of guilty.” (Emphasis added.) According to Smith-Parker, the instruction should have been identical to the general reasonable doubt instruction that was also given. That instruction said: “If you have no reasonable doubt as to the truth of each of the claims required to be proved by the State, you should find the defendant guilty.” (Emphasis added.) …

*** end quote ***

Note the nuance that the Big Gooferment uses to keep “We, The Sheeple” ignorant of their right to judge the law.

That’s why I never get on a jury.

Remember: No victim; no crime. 

Vice, drugs, etc. etc. — if they can’t show blood or treasure lost, then not guilty.



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