GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Zero the corporate tax rate

September 11, 2014
Your Penny Toward a Whopper
By James Wilson

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I’m angered that Burger King has fled to Canada as a tax shelter. But I’m not angered at Burger King, which has only done what it thinks is best for its shareholders. I am, rather, angered at YOU. It isn’t Burger King that created the HIGHEST CORPORATE INCOME TAX in the world. YOU did that. And I DO NOT CONSENT!

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“Corporations are merely tax collectors; not taxpayers. They merely pass their costs along.” Lawrence Alan “Larry” Kudlow is an American economist, television personality, and newspaper columnist. August 26, 2014 0830 on WMAL Mornings on the Mall Brian Wilson and Larry O’Connor

Essentially, taxing corporations hides the tax load on individuals. That’s one of the purposes of Big Gooferment is conceal how much tax we individuals are really paying. IF we knew, then the tax revolts would really start.

Add to that, the OTHER taxes that corporations pay (e.g., gas; utility; FICA for employees; “real estate”) also get passed along in their products. So when I go to the supermarket and buy a can of beans, I can’t tell how much of the price is cost of the beans, the cost to put the beans in the can, the cost of getting the can on the shelf, and the taxes paid along the way. It’s incalculable. And you politicians just love it that way.

Also, there is a another hidden layer of taxes buried in that can of beans, all of the costs of capital investment have taxes hidden in. Campbells buys a new machine to put beans in the can; how much in taxes is buried in that cost? Don’t forget the gas tax for the truck that delivered it. All buried.

Even worse is that the result of corporate taxes fall on the poor because they have spend to survive, those on fixed income who should be getting a break, families who have to spend, and the illegals who don’t get the full benefit of the taxes they are paying.

Bottom line: Only “real people” pay taxes.

My bottom line: I believe folks would be in revolt if they really knew how much in taxes they are paying.

Zero the corporate taxes. Cut the size of government.

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