POLITICAL: Winston Churchill’s bust


White House Busted!!
by Keith Koffler on July 28, 2012, 12:38 pm

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The White House incorrectly claimed that a bust of Winston Churchill was not removed from the White House when President Obama moved in, insisting with emphatic certainty that it had simply been moved to the residence but then retracting the assertion.

In a “Fact Check” post added to the White House website Friday, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer scornfully dismissed as “100% false” the “rumor” that Obama had removed the Churchill bust that had presided over the George W. Bush Oval Office and shipped it back to the British.

Turns out Pfeiffer’s was the false statement.

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What a bunch of amateurs in the White House. This was big news in the blogosphere when it was done. 

Did they think folks would forget?

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One thought on “POLITICAL: Winston Churchill’s bust

  1. They did put out a fake certification of birth document on their website, but people seem to have forgotten that we have a man in the white house we know nothing about…even his college information too. I guess they figured they could get away with this too?


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