TECH SERVICE: JIBBERJOBBER supports the troops with a lot more than words

Revisiting Free Premium JibberJobber Features For Deployed Servicemen
May 28th, 2007

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year I sent out a press release announcing free premium features for those returning from deployment. This is a timeless offer, which means that it has not, and will, not expire. Since today is Memorial Day in the U.S. I figured I would revisit this offer.

What does this mean?

If you are deployed, you can click here to set up your JibberJobber account. You get at least one year of premium features on your account (the 12 months starts from the time you return).

Normally we give you 30 months, assuming that you will be deployed for 18 months and back home for 12 months (we don’t want to know any confidential details about your deployment). You can use this while deployed (if you have time, and access to the Internet) … and your loved ones (spouse, significant other, kids, parents, etc.) can use it for you while you are deployed.

Think about this. Let’s say you get deployed for 18 months. During this time you are learning and growing, even to the point of out-growing the job that you left. Or, you are unsure that the job you left will even be there when you get back (of course it’s supposed to be, but you still wonder, and there is no guarantee).

Your parents (or loved ones) at home know that when you get back you’ll be in a job search. They can login to your JibberJobber account and put in prospective employers, information about specific jobs that might be available, even key people that you will need to network with when you get back.

Instead of coming home and starting at square one, you can come home and have a rich database of leads. This can be huge.

During the first 12 months that you are home you continue to use JibberJobber with the free premium features to track your transition – whether you are getting a new job or not, there are a lot of network contacts that you should put into your network, and work on nurturing those relationships. And if you are looking for a new job you probably won’t find a better, easier and more effective tool to track the job search.

After the free period expires you can choose to upgrade, if you want. If you don’t want to upgrade you will NOT lose any of your data, just some bells-and-whistles.

Why are we doing this?

This is not a political statement, rather it’s an effort to show support to troops. There are lots of ways to support the troops, including sending cookies, care packages, letters, cards and more. This is a way that we (the JibberJobber team) can show our support for people that are willing to sacrifice their life to serve their country.

How do people take advantage of it?

The process is rather simple – all you need to do is click on this special link (so we can track the number of people that take advantage of this) and sign up for your free account. Then, send us an e-mail (Jason [at] JibberJobber [dot] com) and let us know that you are, have been, or will be, deployed. Finally, have ONE MORE person send an e-mail confirming that. It doesn’t matter who that person is – but it’s just a second measure. That’s it – mostly based on the honor system. So far there hasn’t been abuses, as far as we know.

How can you help?

There are three ways that you can support this program:

1. Spread the word: First, let everyone know about this offer. Servicemen, moms and dads of those that are serving, spouses, career experts, etc. Also, if you have any media contacts let them know about this.

2. Sponsorships: We are accepting sponsorships from companies or individuals who want to support this program. If you know someone at a military friendly company such as Home Depot, Halliburton, Guardsmark or some other company that says they support the troops, please let them know about this. We have special, extra information for major sponsors. We are not a non-profit and therefore don’t allow you any tax savings, but if you want to support this program you can contribute here.

3. Support JibberJobber in general: If you don’t have your own JibberJobber account then you should get one. It’s not just for job seekers – it’s for anyone that wants a tool to help manage relationships. Whether you are a grandma who sends out Christmas cards and birthday cards or a business owner keeping track of customers, prospects and vendors, JibberJobber can prove to be a valuable tool for you. You get lots of benefits for free, and the extra features you get for the optional $10/month upgrade are worth it.

If you have any questions, comments, thoughts or anything else please let me know (you can use the Contact Us page, or send an e-mail directly to Jason [at] JibberJobber [dot] com). This offer is not limited to any particular branch or country.

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Support Our Troops?

You’ll hear a lot of politicians talk about patriotism, Jason Alba of JibberJobber makes them all look like the empty suits they are. He SUPPORTS the troops with something that is useful and comes right out of his pocketbook.

My hat’s off to him.

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