RANT: The South Brunswick Police have a motor cycle … …

The South Brunswick Police have a motor cycle … … and are using it for “fund raising” activities on Sand Hill Road near Emerald Road. The fellow sits in the shade of the big bushes and pounces on the dastardly law breakers who violate the 25 speed limit.

I view this as glorified toll taking. A highway robbery. Naked gooferment force.

If we really were serious about 25, then we’d have speed bumps. And, 25? On a major connector between Somerset and Route 1. Our socialist big gooferment statist planners, following in the great traditions of the Communist famines, have road planned us into a complete disaster.

Look at the various State, County, and Township roads! What a planning disaster! You’re luck if you can get from there to here, in a reasonable amount of time, safely, or without being tagged for violating any of the gooferment’s many diktats.

Just look at new 522 from Route One to Route One Thirty. Would it have been too much trouble to line it up with the entrance to the Turnpike at 8A? (What did that route not go through some brother-in-laws valueless land or missed going by the campaign contributor’s business.?)

And, look at 287 to Route 1. Too much trouble to plan that.

Route 27 with the 2 lane 1 lane 2 lane shuffle. An accident waiting to happen.

And, my personal piece de resistance, South Middlebush / Sand Hill. Good planning guys. Trucks still use it.

No, it’s about the stupidity of gooferment “planning” for us. And, then “punishing” the bad serf who have the temerity to try and use the “stuff”.

And, have you seen the financial impact of one of these mickey mouse tickets? Points, fines, insurance. It’s no laughing matter.

No if he was sitting on Tyne Court and trapping on Emerald, where there are a ton of kids, being kids, on any given afternoon. And, warning drivers, not ticketing first timers. Then, I wouldn’t kvetch. But you won’t see him there because the motivation is “fund raising” and scaring people into compliance with an absurd traffic law.

As you might guess, I think this is just wrong.

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