YAHOO ANSWER: Inheriting $35K

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Hello! ..Inheriting $35K, would like to invest (secure but agressive), any ideas?

I own a home, so I’m not sure what’s the best thing, I have c.c. debt about 12k


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Since you’re ask here, I’d guess that you have no experience in investing. Assuming that you have no reason to do something odd, paying off the credit card debt is a great idea. (Unless you are going to run right out and charge more stuff!) You can then keep “paying” the credit card debt payment right into your investment account. (Training you to save.) With the balance, I’d suggest either a Treasury Direct account (very safe) to buy some 90 day tbills until you get “smarter”. Or, you can put it in a Vanguard account into a money market until you get savvy. Or you could do both splitting it 50-50.

You’ll learn very quickly. After all it’s your money. Either or both of those two options will keep it “safe” until you learn more.

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