GUNS: Still think that gun seizures after Katrina was an abberation?

After tornado, FEMA disarms town, turns away help
By Michael Hampton
Posted: May 18, 2007 4:34 pm

***Begin Quote***

On Friday, May 4, an F5 tornado wiped the town of Greensburg, Kan., almost entirely off the map. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, along with the National Guard and local police from all over Kansas, then systematically kept out relief workers while they went house to house disarming the residents.


FEMA’s top priority going in was clear. It was not to help people, but to establish control and cow the population. These, of course, are the same things they did during Hurricane Katrina, with much more disastrous results.

***End Quote***

Still think that Katrina was an abberation?

Sorry, no.

The gooferment is “practicing”. If they get a big enough disaster, then we are going to get never ending martial law and tyranny. Followed by the camps.

So when do we stand up and fight?

I’m a fat old guy. No much I can do, but it’s coming.

Economic crash, bird flu, terrorist incident, or who knows what the excuse will be. As soon as they get the chance, they will.

We need to stop them now.

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