LIBERTY: What did Berger do?


Clinton Aide Forfeits Law License In Justice Probe
– Washington Times

***Begin Quote***

Samuel R. Berger, the Clinton White House national security adviser who was caught taking highly classified documents from the National Archives, has agreed to forfeit his license to practice law.

***End Quote***

If I was the Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition, then I’d want to interrogate all sorts of people about this.


What did Berger do?

I, of course, suspect that he was covering for Bill Clinton. (Disclaimer: I don’t like politicians of EITHER of the duplicitous duopoly!) Or worse.

Could there have been something in the ORIGINAL documents that would not be pleasant for Bill or Hillary?

Maybe we’ll never know. Maybe there will be something in the future that Berger has to “buy” his way out of by coming clean. Maybe a “copy” will show up from some one’s file somewhere. Maybe it will come out some how some where.


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