LINKEDIN: Your LinkedIn Network … effective and / or efficient?

How Efficient is Your LinkedIn Network?
by Des Walsh on Fri 18 May 2007 09:08 AM EST

***Begin Quote***

While the delivery of the box of donuts with resume attached is the focus of the post, I noticed also that one of the steps Greg has taken to get noticed for the job is to send a message to the owner via LinkedIn.

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I’d suggest that LinkedIn be used for developing “inside” knowledge. That’s probably worth more than getting to a decision maker. Finding out what makes them tick, what they want, and texture around the opportunity may allow you to tailor the sales pitch.

If I was measure “efficient”, then I’d want to know how “responsive” it was. Effectiveness might be how much “value” it delivers. Responsiveness and value are tough to define and even tougher to measure.

One thought on “LINKEDIN: Your LinkedIn Network … effective and / or efficient?

  1. Great distinctions. Efficiency could mean that the message got delivered and the owner decided not to hire. Responsiveness could be that, as you suggest, he got valuable inside info which facilitated his being considered positively for the position.


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