INTERESTING: Some one is “selling” blog to book

Ann McIndoo
Author of So, You Want to Write!
Creator of the Writer’s Power Tools™, Manuscript Grid™ and Author’s Boot Camp.

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I already did it once as a “trial run”.

My Lulu Store

I’ll give you some “free advice”.

It’s easy to turn out a “vanity book”. Making money is a whole different story. Blogging ain’t writing! And, while it is easy to turn your blog into a printed book. (Hey, I did it. You can too. Cheaply and easily.) But it doesn’t “translate” well.

I am astonished that three people bought my “book”. Coulda knocked me over with a feather. If they’d have asked me, I’d have given them one for free. Inscribed it as well. Just goes to show, as ebay demonstrates for Jay Leno, that some people will buy anything.

I did it as a joke on myself. My Mom liked it. But she so old and weak, that she can’t even open it. But, she was tickled with it. (My Number #1 fan).

Yell, or comment, if you have questions. I’ll do my best to give you what I saw doing it.

2 thoughts on “INTERESTING: Some one is “selling” blog to book

  1. Thanks, Ms. Ann. I’m always surprised when people find my “stuff” and take the time to comment on it. I learned a lot from my vanity project. And, being a gruff fat old injineer, I’d say it much more bluntly. “You can’t take your blog and plop it into a book!” It doesn’t “fit”, translate, or morph into something useful to the non-blogging public. It’s like reading someone’s diary. ;-) With all the juicy parts removed. With the chronology format over-powering the wisdom. Yup, while it’s easier to have “raw material”, the would-be blogger-writer has to realize is that it’s a heavy lift to make the jump from blog to book. Real book that is. Thanks for your insight and good luck. Hopefully you’ll get “buzz” from more important people than me.


  2. Hello,

    Thank you for writing about me! I am delighted you found my ebook offering interesting. Actually, I had such a great response to my Blog to Book tele-seminar, I had to add 3 additional classes – over 200 bloggers called and listened in. I think that is a great indication that people who blog are interested in writing a book. What do you think?

    To help you decide, I am sending you a copy of my ebook, Your Blog to Book, with my compliments. You can also listen to the 30 minute Blog to Book class for free at

    You are absolutely right about vanity books, they are easy to produce and can serve a purpose. My outcome for my Blog to Book ebook is to take the reader through the process of writing a real and professionally published book. Bloggers have a huge advantage over most new authors, they have existing content that can be used and they love to write, my ebook shows you how to use this advantage to good use. It will show you how to:

    * Decide why and if you want to write a book
    * Take existing material and organize it
    * Create the structure for your book
    * Create new content
    * Put it all together and write your book

    I have worked with authors to produce more than 90 books in the last 28 months, many of which are on Amazon and in bookstores – including my own, So, You Want to Write! This program is for professionals, speakers, coaches, trainers, teachers, consultants who have something to share, teach, demonstrate, inspire or motivate. Many of my author clients use their book to create ancillary products and generate revenue, at the back of the room when they present and as marketing, promotional and positioning tools.

    I am not suggesting you take your blog and simply put it into a book, I am teaching and coaching bloggers how to use their existing content to create a book that offers value and results.

    Thanks so much for your blog!

    To your writing success!

    Ann McIndoo


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