TECHNOLOGY: Here’s a interesting little toy?

So We Say

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SoWeSay, a company created by two Yahoo alumni, launched the first symbiotic social networking site ( that allows users the freedom to create profiles, rate and review anyone they know or encounter online and offline. SoWeSay also gives users a powerful social networking tool “SayWhat?” to gain candid feedback from anyone. SoWeSay is the fun destination to find, share and learn about new individuals directly from the people who know them best.

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Now using my amazing power of negative thinking, I would think this would be a good place to place the “LEAD WEIGHTS” in one’s life. I think their methodology is flawed unless one wants to be incredibly negative about someone. All a bozo will see is negativity.

Correct me if I am wrong?

I don’t think our brains are wired this way. IMHO it only works by pair-wise comparison. For example, even if we accept their dimensions of “Generosity, Intelligence, Likeability, Sense of Humor, and Trustworthiness” — I’d have my own as would you –, how can you rate “likeability” on a sliding scale. I can say that I like X more than Y, or I like X, or I dislike Y, but to slide the “likeability” bar. Nah, I’m no psysicy-ologist just an old injineer who can’t spell them bug wurds. My brain doesn’t work that way

And, to put someone on this site, you really have to know a lot about them.

So imho it’s a good page for the lead weights in your life.

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