LIBERTY: There are very few “rights”.

Mar. 18, 2007
How will collectivists enforce this new ‘right’ to housing?

***Begin Quote***

Ms. Unzueta likely means to loot even more money from my paycheck and yours — extending our slavery in violation of the 13th Amendment for that one-third to one-half of the year that we now sharecrop just to “pay our taxes” — thus forcing you and me to fund nice homes for these lazy drunks and drug addicts.

***End Quote***

Vin nails it. When some one has a “right” to something, who pays for that right?

I would assert that we are now virtual slaves to the government. One can’t even guess at the “taxes” we pay. Inflation is a heavy tax on our savings. Unfunded mandates are a tax. The increase cost of things due to diktats from the gooferment are a tax. Every tax a corporation pays is passed along to us disguised in the price. And, everything we buy has lots of gas taxes buried in the price. So, I can NOT even guess at how much tax we are paying.

As far as the “homeless”, when I was working in NYC and when I’d get panhandled, I’d offer food or the “business card” for a local Church (Saint Francis) where they helped the “homeless”. Once or twice my offer was accepted. I even saw a “legless” panhandler on the NYC subway who I later saw on standing on the Path going home to NJ after a hard day at work. I wish I had my camera.

No, there are very few “rights”. And, those rights we have, we have to be prepared to fight for mightly against the gooferment and the fuzzy thinkers of the left and right.

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