INTERESTING: Lottery fever

>Subject: Win the Lottery?
>I see a NewJerseyite has one of the lottery winning
>tickets….hmmm….3 Tyne Court?

Drat, darn, heck … … no!

I even stayed up to watch the live drawing hopin’ it would help.

Interesting story. At least, I think it was interesting.

I spent an extra two buck yesterday on it.

Went to the local quick check (which was neither quick, nor did they give me a check), and paid my “tax” for lottery tixs.

(It really doesn’t qualify as a tax under my strict definition. It is avoidable. But, if you win, you’ll pay an obscene amount of “tax” so maybe it is. It is popularly described as a “tax on stupidity”. So I paid it willingly. But, in my own defense, I only pay when the jackpot is at “life changing” amounts.)

So when the disinterested person was playing on the machine’s keys, she spit out a two line ticket by accident in the midst of my tickets. She put it off to the side and gave me mine.

I quickly told her I wanted it.

I had visions of the tv news interviewing her as the sole winner of the grazillion dollar jackpot, saying “i made a mistake and this rude guy made me buy my mistake”.


So, I very politely but firmly “bought” the mistake.

When Frau checked the tix last night, I told her the only one she needed to check was that one. I was sure that the Comos was going to play a joke on me or teach me a very “interesting” lesson. It was a $2 ticket and it “won” $2.

How weird is that?

I know that if I hadn’t bought that mistake. It would have won.


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