WRITING: I’ve been invited; no paycheck but an audience.


The Blog of South Brunswick

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The Blog of South Brunswick is sponsored by the South Brunswick Post and designed to give residents of the township a chance to comment on what is happening at the local, state and federal level. It is a companion blog to Post Managing Editor Hank Kalet’s Channel Surfing.

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I’ve been invited to post at the “Blog of South Brunswick”. No contract, no commitment. But, it does give my voice some volume. :-) Think they know what they got themselves into?

2 thoughts on “WRITING: I’ve been invited; no paycheck but an audience.

  1. And, you think someone would actually put up with my bluntness? And, I’m sure my platform of “honest money, end the dole, and stop brainwashing kids” will be a real winner. Real Americans used to take the bull by the horns. Now days, all they take is the government check. Sure it’s sugar coated as “free public education”, “flood insurance”, or “social security”! But, it’s just the dole in disguise. America was ruined the day the politicians found they could be auctioneer of other people’s money. As far as national syndication, I probably could be obnoxious as any talk show host. But, you forget I’m the shy and retiring type.


  2. That is a start, posting in the local rag. I have said you should either run for elected office (as a Libertarian of course), but maybe getting to a nationally syndicated blog or website.. ….hmmm. Maybe the ‘REINKE REPORT’, competing with Drudge and others.


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