TECHNOLOGY: GOTOMYPC is a neat utility


***Begin Quote***

Get Secure Remote Access with GoToMyPC

GoToMyPC is the fast, easy and secure way to access your PC from any Web browser or wireless device in real time.

* Access files, programs, email, and network
* Increase your flexibility and productivity
* Work on your office PC from home
* Travel and use your PC remotely

***End Quote***

Well, it is handy. Not cheap. $180 per year. And it does apparently work flawlessly. My biggest problem is that WXP decides randomly that it doesn’t want to communicate with the outside world any more. Sometimes nothing but a reboot will make it start again. That’s not gotomypc’s fault. But, when I want it to do it’s magic and it don’t, guess who gets the blame. Not Microsoft for it’s hunk of junk. Will I lose this capability when I move my “shop” to Linux?

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