GUNS: I can be for gun control. Control the gubamint’s guns!

interdictor ([info]interdictor) wrote,
@ 2006-10-30 14:04:00
Incompetence — Oops, Have You Seen My Machine Gun?

***Begin Quote***

Well anyway, here’s some more government incompetence for you:

****** which quoted ******

The Pentagon cannot account for 14,030 weapons — almost 4 percent of the semiautomatic pistols, assault rifles, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenade launchers and other weapons it began supplying to Iraq since the end of 2003.

The missing weapons will not be tracked easily: The Defense Department registered the serial numbers of only about 10,000 of the 370,251 weapons it provided — less than 3 percent.

Missing from the Defense Department’s inventory books were 13,180 semiautomatic pistols, 751 assault rifles and 99 machine guns.

****** which ended here ******

Hmmm. But it says some were stolen. They just won’t tell us how many. It’s comforting knowing our government has lost some unspecified number of RPGs. Yeah, losing the other stuff is bad, but you don’t want a bunch of RPGs floating around. Hopefully they didn’t lose any shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles like we’ve done in the past in Central America and Afghanistan. I don’t think the insurgency has much in the way of aircraft, so hopefully we didn’t bring over stinger missiles for the Iraqi defense forces, but given how incompetent our government is and how much some suppliers could make off a deal like that (and give kickbacks in return), I would not be surprised. That would REALLY be making Americans safer.

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What a bunch of bozos! First we had the story of “bricks” ( 100k$ clear plastic shrink wrapped USA currency). And, now they lost enough guns to arm … a small army … or an insurgency!

I’ve changed my mind. “Gun control” no longer exclusively means “citizens hitting what they aim at”. I’ll now include “keeping an inventory of the gubamint’s ordanance”.

So, if someone asks if you favor “gun control”, then you can say “sure, for the gubamint”. Gun owners don’t lose their weapons.

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