GUNS: Tragedy would have been stopped if schools NOT gun free

Death toll in Lancaster Co. Amish school shooting rises to 5
Associated Press

***Begin Quote***

NICKEL MINES, Pa. – Two more children died Tuesday morning of wounds from the shootings at an Amish schoolhouse, raising the death toll to five girls plus the gunman who apparently was spurred by a two-decade-old grudge.

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There is no doubt that this is a tragedy. Young girls cut down by a madman.

But, just as the antidote for bad speech is more free speech, the antidote for this is not more victim disarmament.

I don’t understand the “gun free school zones” legislation. Do politicians think that they actually DO something by passing a law? They should realize that only law abiding people obey laws. The lawless just go on their merry way and take advantage of the opportunities that we give them.

In Israel, schools are NOT gun free zones. And, they are trouble free. Grandparents guard schools and school trips. Teachers, and the average citizen, are more than likely “packing heat”. The terrorists have a problem because there are no target rich zones where guns are absent.

The world is a dangerous place. No amount of wishful thinking or inane laws is going to make it any less dangerous. My grandmother traveled the Oregon trail and she had “her” long gun hung on the mantle until she died. She was no “victim”. I’m not sure that she ever used it, wish I had asked, but, even in her old age, she was not someone to be “crossed”. Read her bible and prayed, but she was armed. I know she would have protected any child. Let’s give women an “equalizer”.

Envision the scenario where a nut job KNOWS that there is a good chance that, in his killing spree, he may run into an armed citizen. Bet that dampens his ardor for blood just a little. Imagine he invades the school, and instead of the teacher running to call police, she whips out a “girlie gun” like a 380 and puts a full clip into him. Or, as he is ushering out the pregnant lady, she grabs him close and dispatches him with three to the gut a la the French Resistance of WW2. Or, the teacher’s aide, or anyone else, does their civic duty. See if there is no restriction, he has to rethink his plan.

Just as no American airline passenger is going to allow a hijacker to take over a plane, we should be armed to take care of two legged, and four legged, varmints.

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