LIBERTY: Replace the military’s Casualty Notification Officers with Congress critters!

Telling Families of Dead Soldiers
by Mark G. Brennan

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The proposal has three simple steps. Step One is the easiest – abolish the position of CNO in the military. Step Two is the replacement of the CNO with the 2 Senators and 1 Congressional Representative of the deceased. Step Three is watching the ensuing riot. Imagine watching "my" senators, Hilary Clinton and Charles Schumer, along with some representative from New York, delivering the fateful news to a New York state resident who, you can bet your bottom buck, did not donate to any of their campaigns as keeping their financial heads above water was their primary preoccupation. After regaining composure, the next-of-kin might respond with several questions for the messengers like, "As my elected representatives in the Senate and Congress, why, if you don’t support this war, don’t you do something about it?" or "Since you are always so busy talking out of both sides of your mouth in an effort to win your next election, explain to me how I, my children and my country benefit from my husband’s death?" Or how about, "Ms. Clinton, why is your child not fighting in Iraq if this cause is so important?"

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I like this idea. Let's — legislate – executive decide – judical fiat — it today! As a Libertarian, I think that "our representatives" need to take responsibility for their actions!

2 thoughts on “LIBERTY: Replace the military’s Casualty Notification Officers with Congress critters!

  1. Thanks, but it wasn’t my idea. But I liked it. I’ll add your son to all the boys and girls I pray come home safely. Dona Nobis Pacem. Maybe if the politicians had to hit the front lines, then we’d have a lot less war. All I can suggest is vote out any incumbent. And, do it again. And again. And again. Until they start listening. Third party candidates are no longer as waccky a choice as they used to be. When you can tell a D from an R or an R from D, an I represents an alternative. I’ve given up beleiving anything that the Ds or the Rs say. They are all spinning, if not outright lying. My solution is to starve them of the money that they use to make trouble for everyone.


  2. A great suggestion! My son is a Captain in the 10th Mountain Division and is serving in Afghanistan. The company he commands conducts “combat resupply missions,” which means, I think, that they drive trucks full of highly explosive stuff out in the boondocks, where unfriendly people are waiting for them with IEDs, RPGs, etc.

    I worry a lot, and don’t sleep particularly well these days.

    NO ONE in our (NC) congressional delagation has a child serving in Afghanistan or Iraq, as far as I know, but they run their mouths constantly about how America “can’t afford to fail,” and how we need to “complete the mission.”

    Since they aren’t about to go over there and get shot at themselves, or send their own kids, I think the least they could do is peronally inform their constituents when someone their constituents love is killed or injured due to policies that they, the politicos, have adopted.

    As an aside, I think they might also go around to all of the nursing homes in our state and explain how it is that there is plenty of money for wars half way around the world, but not enough to adequately care for the old and sick via medicare and medicaid.

    This is NOT a rant about our role in Afghanistan. The Taliban government did aid and abet the murder of thousands of american citizens, and I think a good argument can be made under classical “just war” doctrine that they, the Taliban, had a “butt whuppin” coming, in sharp contrast to the Iraq situation. True, Sadam was a sociopathic thug and monster, but there are plenty of those running other nation states. Hell, if THAT is the criteria for starting a war, why aren’t we invading Cuba? At least then we would have better rum and cigars.


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