“Counterfeiting” written for http://freetalklive.com/wiki/index.php?title=Counterfeiting


In the realm of Big Govenment, this means replicating the Federal Reserve Note by other than the Bureau of Prinint and Engraving. Did you everwish as a child that all monompoly money was real and that you could take it and spend it for your whims and wishes. That’s the power of the Big GOvernment priniting press.

Unfortunately, as child you soon realized that no one would exchange your monopoly money for the candy, comic books, and trinkets that your heart desired. When Roosevelt took gold as money out of circulation and Nixon completed the crime by clsong the gold window, these United States of America and its citizens embark on another experiment. Could a currency float without backing.

Foe many factors, not the least of which is the dumbing down of that citizenry by Big Government education, the citizen never realized the fraud being perpetrated on them. Big Government runs a deficit? Ah hah, just print some more paper money. Big Government wants to fund a war in coutry X, Y, or Z? Ah hah, just print more paper. Big Government wants to buy soem more voters with a big social program? Ah hah, just print more paper. You’re childhood monopoly money dream is ebign lived by Big Government.

Now Austrian Economics, and even Keynsian economics, recognizes that paper money only has value by having people willing toexchange goods and services for it. Austrian economics would assert that the boom and bust business cycle is due to the mistakes people make based on unreliable information. This paper machine is one reason for those bad decision.

College students, a terrible misnomer since they rarely study anything, “learn”, if they bother to take Econ101, that money is first and foremost supposed to be a store of value. The US Federal Reserve Note is some store of vlaue; it lost 97% of its value in 30 years.

Oh yes, the piper must be paid. Someone is the victim in this scheme. That someone is anyone who holds a dollar when the new ones are issued.

Read http://www.lewrockwell.com/french/french8.html for more info!

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