Bono, Third World debt releif, and am I glad about it? No that was some of my taxes wasted!

> Bono thru political action and $40 billion worth of debt gets canceled to 18 African nations.

>  … … doesn’t that make you glad?

>>>>It may not be as immense as saving Africa from debt and AIDS, it may be no more than saving one small child or reengineering one vital process, but it will matter just as much in the end. And doesn’t that make you glad? It has to be rooted in the concept that “give a fish, feed a day. teach to fish, feed for lifetime.” What we do is guaranteed to keep our fellow humans in poverty, virtual slavery, and misery for their short lives.

Am I happy? Nah, it just looks like more of today’s liberal (as opposed to the classical liberalism of freedom and liberty) feel good, self aggrandizing, give away what isn’t mine, socialist – communist, Barbara Streisand. Let’s talk about real solutions that set people free. That’s what I like to see in Provisions.

Sorry to be a gloomy Gus. But, a decade from now, we will still be talking about third world poverty and debt relief, and why the cradle of civilization can’t feed itself.


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