ENCOURAGING: Polish marching band resupplied in TWO hours by a local community


West Virginians rush to aid Polish marching band that lost instruments, uniforms while traveling
by: Joey Rather, Jalyn Lamp 
Posted: Jul 20, 2023 / 08:02 PM EDT 
Updated: Jul 20, 2023 / 08:02 PM EDT 

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BUCKHANNON, W.Va. (WBOY) — Travelling across the world can be stressful, but arriving in a foreign country with most of your belongings missing can seem like a nightmare. Thankfully, when this situation happened to a Polish marching band visiting Buckhannon, West Virginians were quick to help.

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All needs were met in 2 hours.  That’s impressive. 

Would be nice to know who screwed up?  So they could make amends.

Perhaps, a GOFUNDME for the community of BUCKHANNON might be a nice idea.

We shouldn’t rely on Karma to reward them.


LIBERTARIAN: You can put what you want in your own body — The West Virginia Gooferment gets this one right



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West Virginia passes the best food freedom law in the country

In the Land of the Free, most state laws severely limit what kinds of food items people can sell. These laws hit small farmers and producers really hard, where people have to submit to kitchen inspections and pay steep permit fees.

In 2015 however, Wyoming set the food freedom standard with a law which cut all sorts of restrictions on selling homemade foods like baked goods, pickles, and kombucha.

Neighbors South Dakota and Utah quickly followed.

Now West Virginia has passed arguably the most expansive food freedom law in the country.

It allows homemade food to be sold online or in person without licenses or inspections. They just have to include a label explaining that it is homemade, listing the ingredients, warning of possible allergens, and including contact info of the producer.

There is no limit to how much a merchant can earn, and the only restriction is on foods containing meat.

So far, Wyoming, North Dakota, and Utah say there hasn’t been a single report of foodborne illness from anyone selling food under the new laws.

It’s sad that allowing people the freedom to choose what they put in their own bodies is such a novel concept. But we’re happy to see this law passed.

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How rare is this?  

One can only hope this is a new trend!

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POLITICAL: I thought “all powers not enumerated were reserved to the States or the People”?


Despite Secession Talk, Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
May 04, 2017 By Mindy Fetterman

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Recently, these efforts have ranged from fairly large, ongoing campaigns in Texas and California to smaller pushes in Oklahoma, Maine, Utah, West Virginia and New York’s Long Island, among others.  

Just last month, a longshot effort to allow Californians to vote on seceding fell apart after one of the founders dropped out amid criticism of his ties to Russia. But a new group pushing secession has vowed to collect the nearly 600,000 signatures required by July to put the measure on the November 2018 ballot.

Last May, the Texas Nationalist Movement came within two votes of adding Texas independence language to the state’s Republican platform. And in Oklahoma, Republican state Sen. Joseph Silk in January introduced a bill to remove the word “inseparable” from the sentence in the state constitution describing Oklahoma as “an inseparable part of the Federal Union.”

The move for independence, whether it’s from the right of the political spectrum as in Texas, or the left as in California, reflects the political division felt across the country, said Edward Meisse, a supporter of the Yes California secession group that just disbanded. “We have two diametrically opposed philosophies in our country, and we’re just not getting anywhere,” he said. “I think we should allow states to secede so California can be California and Texas can be Texas.”

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Yeah, right! Unfortunately, once the Gooferment gets power, it will never relinquish it voluntarily. People can NOT be held against their will. If an individual did it, then it’d be called “kidnapping”. But when the Gooferment does it, it’s call “jurisdiction”. Of course, once people start to refuse their cooperation to the Gooferment, it’ll collapse. It happened to the old Soviet Union; it’ll happen here too.

With all the out of control spending, unfunded and underfunded pensions, soaring “entitlement” costs, the collapse is inevitable. The only question is “who takes the ‘haircut’?”


Secession is the only LOGICAL solution.

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