POLITICAL: The IRS is politicized?


Obama’s IRS on warpath against tea parties
Government requiring names, addresses, contacts, relationships
Published: 12 hours ago
by Bob Unruh

*** begin quote ***

“Basically, we’re objecting to information that the IRS is requesting that is beyond the scope of its legitimate inquiry.”

On the ACLJ website, several questions from the IRS were quoted:

(1) Do you directly or indirectly communicate with members of legislative bodies? If so, provide copies of the written communications and contents of other forms of communications.

(2) Please describe the associate group members and their role with your organization in further detail. (a) How does your organization solicit members? (b) What are the questions asked of potential members? (c) What are the selection criteria for approval? (d) Do you limit membership to other organizations exempt under 501(c)(4) of the Code? (e) Provide the name, employer identification number, and address of the organizations.

(3) Do you have a close relationship with any candidate for public office or political party? If so describe fully the nature of that relationship.

“The quoted requests are merely the tip of the iceberg,” the ACLJ said. “We’re still reviewing the IRS letters and will have more information as we complete our review.”

The report continued, “Critically, the demands we’ve seen are made not in response to complaints of wrongdoing but instead in response to applications for exemption. In other words, the IRS appears to be conditioning the grant of exemptions on the extensive violation of the tea party’s fundamental First Amendment freedoms.”

*** end quote ***

It’s apparent that there’s a Nixon style enemies list.

How does one fight the IRS with a First Amendment argument?

It revolves around the “charitable deduction”. Guess you just have to forego that.

“We, The Sheeple” better wake up. Could be you next!

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