DISCOURAGING: Africa IS “dependent on handouts…and philanthropic intervention.”

[TIP ‘o’ the HAT to: FARK for highlighting this one ]


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MrBeast Is Hearing It From Critics After He Built 100 Wells In Africa…And That’s Completely Insane
by Matt Reigle November 8, 2023, 2:05 pm 

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YouTuber MrBeast is no stranger to critics, but those criticisms usually come in places you’d expect. Criticisms of his videos or his burger chain, stuff like that. What you wouldn’t expect is to see people pounce on the 25-year-old for providing drinking water to half a million people across Africa, but guess what? it happened.

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Take Saran Kaba Jones, founder and CEO of FACE Africa, for instance. According to CNN, that’s an organization that aims to improve water infrastructure and sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa.

“I’ve been doing this for 15 years, but we’ve been struggling to continue the work because funding, awareness, and advocacy all take work,” Jones said.

That’s all true. So then she must have been pretty jazzed that MrBeast decided to use his gobs of money to help in this endeavor instead of buying another Island or filling a swimming pool with Fanta or whatever it is he does.

Nope. She told CNN this: “(O)vernight, this person comes along, who happens to be a white male figure with a huge platform, and all of a sudden, he gets all of the attention. It’s kind of frustrating, but it’s also understanding the nature of how the world is.”

Wait, wait, wait. Hold the phone here. Shouldn’t she be ecstatic that half a million people have access to water and now there’s way more attention brought to it?

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So, it’s less important that ½ MILLION should get access to clean water than he took the spotlight for doing it.

Sorry, her ego got hurt.

And, later on in the article an “aspiring politician” is upset that it appears Africa is “dependent on handouts…and philanthropic intervention.” 

Well it is.  I’ve been hearing about “poor Africans” for more than SIX DECADES.  And, I’d assert that the reason they are poor is that the politicians and bureaucrats are robbing them blind.  In conjunction with the colonial powers that like them just that way.  Gandhi showed a nation how to free themselves, but did NOT show them how to get rid of the parasitic drone class.


I’m speechless.  

Perhaps, the Second Amendment is the way to rid oneself of the oppression of dictators.
