RANT: Vincent Konidare, Requiescat In Pacem, a covid casualty that might have been avoided


Fully vaccinated Florida father, 58 – whose family said he had NO pre-existing conditions – dies of COVID-19 after spending a month in the hospital

  • Vincent Konidare, 58, North Palm Beach, died of COVID-19 on September 19 despite being fully vaccinated and having no underlying conditions
  • Konidare received the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine in March, according to his family 
  • Only 6.600, or one out of every 25,000 people who are fully vaccinated, have died of COVID-19, and many are either elderly or have a comorbidity
  • Jamie Konidare, Vincent’s wife, is urging others to get vaccinated but to also continue to take some precautions from the virus 

PUBLISHED: 16:09 EDT, 13 October 2021 | UPDATED: 08:01 EDT, 14 October 2021

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A fully vaccinated Florida father has died from COVID-19 despite having no underlying conditions, according to his family.

Vincent Konidare, 58, of Palm Beach, Florida, passed way on September 19 after spending a month in the hospital battling the disease.

This in spite of the fact that Konidare had received the one-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine in March.

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How many unexplained COVID-19 vaccinated deaths are there?

Still think the “experts” understand what “We, The Sheeple” are dealing with?

Refer to the Argentinian doctor who has a “stay heathy” protocol for poor people.
