IPHONE: Mike Lindell is an object lesson in backup and recovery


“I Got Bad News For You”: Mike Lindell Speaks Out After FBI Seizes Phone
by Tyler Durden — Thursday, Sep 15, 2022 – 11:20 AM
Authored by Eva Fu via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

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MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell was picking up food at a fast food chain drive-through when three cars driven by federal agents blocked him.

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“Well, I got bad news for you: we are going to take your cell phone,” Lindell remembered the agents saying.

“No you are not, I’d rather be arrested, you are not going to get my phone,” he replied. Since he doesn’t have a computer, he said his phone was an essential device that he leans on to run his five businesses.

“They want people to be scared to talk to Mike Lindell,” Lindell, who relented and handed over his phone after consulting his lawyer, told The Epoch Times on Wednesday.

“You might get your phone taken at a drive-thru restaurant, you might get your door bashed in by the FBI,” he said, noting the string of FBI subpoenas for allies of former President Donald Trump reported in recent weeks.

While Lindell initially thought the FBI was interested in him as part of the House probe into the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, the agents told him they had two separate cases in which he is named.

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The FBI turned down Lindell’s request to back up his phone. “That was something that really upset me,” he said, adding that his last phone backup was from a couple of weeks earlier.

But the recent FBI actions, he said, won’t dissuade him from his advocacy efforts.

“The government weaponized the FBI, trying to scare me, trying to scare other people, but it didn’t change a thing,” he said. “This is Gestapo in Nazi Germany. This is what we’re up against.”

“It didn’t rattle me,” he added. “I’m not going to unsee what I’ve seen.”

Regarding his phone, Lindell is confident that the FBI will realize “there’s nothing in here.”

“I do all things by calls, I rarely text, and I never email,” he said. “So whatever they’re looking for, they’re going to be on a wild goose chase.”

Lindell’s lawyer is working to get his client’s phone back, and meanwhile, Lindell says he has already moved on.

*** end quote ***

“his last phone backup was from a couple of weeks earlier.”

Maybe I should apply for a job as his IT guru.  If that phone is his “lifeline”, then he should have a hot back up.

Didn’t say if it was an iPhone.  If it was he could have a hot backup to iCloud.  

I don’t do anything important and I have a backup phone and a backup computer.

Remember “2 is 1; 1 is none! redundant capability; not redundant gear!”

There’s no excuse for only one back up that weeks old.

