FUN: A Hug From Taylor Swift (Revision 2.0)

A Hug From Taylor Swift Part 1

A Hug From Taylor Swift Part 2

A Hug From Taylor Swift Part 3

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Learnings from the Taylor Swift’s Auburn video

1) YouTube and Verizon have issues

Watching a YouTube video is a mess. You can figure out what the technical dimension the problem is. Users don’t have access to the diags necessary to tell where or what the problem really is. What’s worse one always has to be suspicious that either or both have their “thumb” on the scale. Verizon to sell FIOS or 4G. YouTube to extract payment from the ISPs.

2) YouTube software

Try resetting a video to someplace other than the beginning. Doesn’t work for me. But shouldn’t it DL the file to you so you can play it over and over. You shouldn’t need a utility or another site to collect it for you. Plus why can’t we have one open standard for video.

3) Assumption

You have to admire the innovation of these two Auburn guys, and one webmaster, for their ability to capture the essence of the inet and social media. Taylor Swift gets kudos for finding them, challenging them, and making the event. Of course, if I made 35M$ last year, I’d take a chance. Maybe not! It could have been a bust. So there was some risk in it for her. She could have been playing to an empty house. Not very likely. She could have leaked it to her fan base minutes before and I’m sure the tweens and teens would have packed the joint. I know I’d have gone. Everyone won. They got their hug; she got the buzz.

4) Make it happen

You have to admire these fellow’s ability to “instantiate” their vision. The Eastern philosophies always suggest that vision precedes actuality. These fellows demonstrated that principle. Or is it a meme? You have to visualize the end and the Universe will “make it so”. To steal a Star Trek line.

5) Noblese oblige

Taylor Swift exemplifies this meme. She could have, but never has, sat in her tour bus and counted her pennies. How to say one of her CPAs wasn’t doing this for her ( i.e.: “Taylor, do realize what this is going to cost you?” “So, how much is five million hits on YouTube worth in terms of paid downloads?”)? She seems propelled by human emotion. But buzz does translate to dollars, so she can be ‘frisky’. Knowing that the “buzz” is worth gazillions. That doesn’t diminish her. She really is an icon.

6) Fun

You have to be “hard hearted” not to enjoy the serendipity of the whole scenario. Other than a “young girl skirt” around some rowdy college students, one would be hard pressed to find a flaw in the whole video. Marginally, one can feel bad for the campus and her security people who had to make her safe. You can see the expressions on their faces that they were not happy on what should have been a sleepy afternoon. You have to wonder how the many folks who were “locked out” felt? Sorry, but I always look at the silent majority feels. I’d have been the 350+1!

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I’m told the skirt is not that short. Guess it’s my Catholic school upbringing when the girls would roll down for school and roll up for dismissal.

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