GOVEROTRAGEOUS: “Disinformation Governance Board'” aka “Ministry of Truth”

You cannot have a Ministry of Truth in this country’: Ron DeSantis says Biden ‘won’t get away’ with having a ‘Disinformation’ board that can ‘silence critics’ – as cringeworthy new video shows czar singing about misinformation to Mary Poppins

  • DeSantis on Friday joined the chorus of Republicans slamming the new board 
  • Florida Governor promised to fight back and said Biden wants to silence critics 
  • GOP Senator Tom Cotton also on Friday said the ‘board’ should  be defunded 
  • Latest fury came as a new of the board’s head  Nina Jankowicz surfaced 
  • She sings about ‘misinformation’ to the tune of Mary Poppins song ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’
  • Jankowicz has called Hunter Biden’s laptop a ‘Trump campaign product’ and tied it to Russia 
  • Disinformation Governance Board was set up by Homeland Security to try and combat misinformation on Russia and immigration 

By Katelyn Caralle, U.S. Political Reporter  For
Published: 12:03 EDT, 29 April 2022 | Updated: 13:17 EDT, 29 April 2022

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This should be put in the grave with a wooden stake, a garlic necklace, and blessing of holy water.  Same for any of the politicians and bureaucrats who think this is a good idea.  It should be a “third rail issue”.

