DISCOURAGING: Are the detahs due to the Covis-19 “vaccine” being misrepresented?


A Case Study in Covid-19 Vaccine Related Death Certificate Fraud

  • This is how fake science works. The answer you do not like must bring unassailable proof. The answer you prefer does not have to provide any evidence whatsoever, and is true until proven otherwise

Ethical Skeptic 
Feb 26, 2024

*** begin quote ***

When the death certificate arrived this week from the state, as crafted by the hospice palliative care physician (who had never even seen her – remember, these people determine the greatest preponderance of ’cause of death’ calls), the Immediate and Underlying (and a fortiori Multiple) Cause of Death only had one ICD code listed: “Alzheimer’s Disease”. The malady was not even titled correctly: G30 (Alzheimer disease). Apparently, for a cancer diagnosis one must bring definitive proof, but for an ad hoc explanation one does not need proof at all, nay even a hint. You just merely fabricate the answer your state medical board enforces.

*** end quote ***

Now I realize that this is “anecdotal evidence” and that one User’s story is not dispositive, it certainly seems to corroborate the currently going round Conspiracy Theory that the Covid-19 Vaccine is setting off “turbo cancers” (i.e., quickly occurring or reoccurring cancers that kill faster than one would expect).

Is there a deliberate undercount of the situation?  

I have no idea but it seems plausible given the politics and money involved.
