VETERANS: This is a slap in the face for every vet, families of vets, and the image Ameircans have of their Gooferment

Catholic Knights of Columbus group sues Biden for banning them from holding traditional Memorial Day mass at Virginia cemetery because service is a ‘demonstration’

  •     The fraternity has held a service at the national cemetery every year since 1960
  •     But a policy change means the mass is now classified as a ‘demonstration’

By Dominic Yeatman For Dailymail.Com
Published: 20:32 EDT, 22 May 2024 | Updated: 00:46 EDT, 23 May 2024

*** begin quote ***

A Catholic fraternity is taking the White House to court after it was banned from holding an annual mass it has staged at a national cemetery for more than 60 years.

The Knights of Columbus has held a Memorial Day mass at the Poplar Grove National Cemetery in Virginia every year since 1960.

But it is claiming religious discrimination after the National Park Service (NPS) decided the religious service amounted to a ‘demonstration’ and decided to ban it on the Petersburg site.

*** end quote ***

And the USA has a “Catholic President”!


INTERESTING: When an elephant returns toddler’s shoe, does that demonstrate an essence of humanity?

Adorable moment elephant returns toddler’s shoe after it falls into zoo enclosure
by Shannon Mcguigan
Published: 04:33 EDT, 28 April 2024 | Updated: 04:33 EDT, 28 April 2024

*** begin quote ***

This is the adorable moment a clever elephant returned a toddler’s tiny shoe after it was dropped into a zoo enclosure.

In the cute clip, the huge creature can be seen gently scooping up the tiny blue and yellow shoe using its enormous foot and lengthy trunk.

Slowly grasping the minuscule footwear, the friendly giant delicately returned the shoe dropping it back into the young visitor’s hand.

*** and ***

But the kind elephant’s good deed didn’t go unnoticed as a zookeeper later rewarded Shanmai a watermelon for their kind gesture.

*** end quote ***

Glad the act was rewarded.  I am always fascinated when “animals” demonstrate human-like qualities.

Perhaps us humans are too egotistical to recognize that life is precious.

Remember the gorilla that protected the injured child, kept him safe, and herded his family inside so the keepers could rescue him?


INTERESTING: The giraffe is doing something to get 17 out of 20 experiments

Did you know ANTS are self-aware? Or that giraffes can do mental math? New book documents the little-known brilliance of animal intelligence that may surprise you

  •     The book explores how animals engage in complex mental math and language
  •     Even insects, like ants and bees, prove to be more perceptive than expected
  •     ‘The Animal Mind’ by nature writer and photographer Marianne Taylor is out now

By Matthew Phelan Senior Science Reporter For Dailymail.Com
Published: 07:37 EDT, 3 April 2024 | Updated: 07:37 EDT, 3 April 2024 

*** begin quote ***

Giraffes can do math in their heads

Technically speaking, it’s a miracle of evolution that a giraffe can get its blood pumping 14 to 19 feet up to its brain to do much high-quality thinking at all. 

But to the surprise of researchers at the Barcelona Zoo, the tall, hooved creatures are actually capable of doing complex mental math, engaging in statistical inference to assess probabilities and make predictions.

The study, conducted with four of the zoo’s giraffe’s by animal behaviorists as Barcelona University, two male and two female giraffes were shown two clear boxes filled with vegetable sticks. 

Each had a mix of carrot and courgette sticks (zucchini), with carrots being the preferred option. But soon, the researchers started putting up barriers to the boxes, hiding visual cues and eliminating scent information.

In a stunning game of intellect, the giraffes managed to select which container was more likely to produce their preferred carrot sticks in 17 out of 20 experiments.

This was based on the relative frequencies of food in the containers, and not on other information such as their sense of smell, the researchers said.

*** end quote ***

I would assume that we, as humans, could learn a lot more if we were a little more humble in our position as the apex predator.

Aside from being beautiful, seems like giraffes have some “intelligence”.  I wonder if they will ever exceed or replace us?


INTERESTING: The giraffe is doing something to get 17 out of 20 experiments

Did you know ANTS are self-aware? Or that giraffes can do mental math? New book documents the little-known brilliance of animal intelligence that may surprise you

  •     The book explores how animals engage in complex mental math and language
  •     Even insects, like ants and bees, prove to be more perceptive than expected
  •     ‘The Animal Mind’ by nature writer and photographer Marianne Taylor is out now

By Matthew Phelan Senior Science Reporter For Dailymail.Com
Published: 07:37 EDT, 3 April 2024 | Updated: 07:37 EDT, 3 April 2024 

*** begin quote ***

Giraffes can do math in their heads

Technically speaking, it’s a miracle of evolution that a giraffe can get its blood pumping 14 to 19 feet up to its brain to do much high-quality thinking at all. 

But to the surprise of researchers at the Barcelona Zoo, the tall, hooved creatures are actually capable of doing complex mental math, engaging in statistical inference to assess probabilities and make predictions.

The study, conducted with four of the zoo’s giraffe’s by animal behaviorists as Barcelona University, two male and two female giraffes were shown two clear boxes filled with vegetable sticks. 

Each had a mix of carrot and courgette sticks (zucchini), with carrots being the preferred option. But soon, the researchers started putting up barriers to the boxes, hiding visual cues and eliminating scent information.

In a stunning game of intellect, the giraffes managed to select which container was more likely to produce their preferred carrot sticks in 17 out of 20 experiments.

This was based on the relative frequencies of food in the containers, and not on other information such as their sense of smell, the researchers said.

*** end quote ***

I would assume that we, as humans, could learn a lot more if we were a little more humble in our position as the apex predator.

Aside from being beautiful, seems like giraffes have some “intelligence”.  I wonder if they will ever exceed or replace us?


INTERESTING: The giraffe is doing something to get 17 out of 20 experiments

Did you know ANTS are self-aware? Or that giraffes can do mental math? New book documents the little-known brilliance of animal intelligence that may surprise you

  •     The book explores how animals engage in complex mental math and language
  •     Even insects, like ants and bees, prove to be more perceptive than expected
  •     ‘The Animal Mind’ by nature writer and photographer Marianne Taylor is out now

By Matthew Phelan Senior Science Reporter For Dailymail.Com
Published: 07:37 EDT, 3 April 2024 | Updated: 07:37 EDT, 3 April 2024 

*** begin quote ***

Giraffes can do math in their heads

Technically speaking, it’s a miracle of evolution that a giraffe can get its blood pumping 14 to 19 feet up to its brain to do much high-quality thinking at all. 

But to the surprise of researchers at the Barcelona Zoo, the tall, hooved creatures are actually capable of doing complex mental math, engaging in statistical inference to assess probabilities and make predictions.

The study, conducted with four of the zoo’s giraffe’s by animal behaviorists as Barcelona University, two male and two female giraffes were shown two clear boxes filled with vegetable sticks. 

Each had a mix of carrot and courgette sticks (zucchini), with carrots being the preferred option. But soon, the researchers started putting up barriers to the boxes, hiding visual cues and eliminating scent information.

In a stunning game of intellect, the giraffes managed to select which container was more likely to produce their preferred carrot sticks in 17 out of 20 experiments.

This was based on the relative frequencies of food in the containers, and not on other information such as their sense of smell, the researchers said.

*** end quote ***

I would assume that we, as humans, could learn a lot more if we were a little more humble in our position as the apex predator.

Aside from being beautiful, seems like giraffes have some “intelligence”.  I wonder if they will ever exceed or replace us?


INTERNET: State of Texas forgets that the internet is designed to route around blocks

Pornhub pulls out of Texas: World’s largest adult content website restricts access in Lone Star State over Gov. Greg Abbott’s age verification law

  • Last week, an appeals court in Texas upheld the law with the battle likely now to rage on. The appeals court did strike down a law requiring users to red a health and safety warning before logging on 

By Paul Farrell For Dailymail.Com
Published: 06:53 EDT, 15 March 2024 | Updated: 07:06 EDT, 15 March 2024

*** begin quote ***

The world’s largest adult content website, Pornhub, has blocked users from accessing it and its sister sites in Texas over a dispute regarding an age verification law that the Lone Star State passed in 2023. 

*** end quote ***

Now don’t get me wrong, I think PORNHUB is despicable and disgusting.

That being said firmly upfront.  Texas politicians and bureaucrats have ventured far beyond the protections of the First Amendment.  (We can argue about the “incorporation doctrine” making it apply to the States.  But that is the current interpretation.)

It’s also just stupid because the simple use of a VPN can bypass any “location check”.

If you really wanted to do age verification, make the law that “adult material” must be protected by a credit card verification of age, that is technically feasible.

But politicians and bureaucrats are so dumb!


RANT: Did we used to hang horse theives? Let’s sprinkle in a few “sheepdogs”

Shocking moment three women beat 61-year-old Asian man to the ground with metal pipe before carjacking him in crime-ridden, Dem-led Chicago

  •     The shocking moment three women attacked a man was captured on camera  
  •     Danxin Shi, a rideshare driver, is no longer able to work after his car was stolen  
  •     Footage shows the moment he’s pushed the ground and hit with a pipe 

By Fiona Connor, Senior Reporter For Dailmail.Com
Published: 16:42 EDT, 8 September 2023 | Updated: 16:42 EDT, 8 September 2023

*** begin quote ***

The shocking moment three women beat an Asian man with a metal pipe before taking off with his car has been caught on camera. 

Danxin Shi, a rideshare driver, is no longer able to work after his vehicle was stolen by the gang about 5:30pm on Tuesday evening in crime-ridden, Dem-led Chicago. 

Footage shows the moment the Chinatown resident, who lives West 22nd Place, parking his vehicle and walking along the street when he is struck with a weapon and shoved to the ground – where he is beaten repeatedly.

*** end quote ***

Guess the race of the three “women”?

I’m fed up with crime and adults who are out of control.

While I’m against the death penalty when the Gooferment administer it, I am for the RKBA and what everyone have the ability to defend themselves.  In this case, deadly force was warranted, and that man should have be able to “convince” the young ladies of the error of their ways.

Quoting my sheepdog post:

*** begin quote ***

“I particularly like unlimited concealed carry. If the criminal regards the general public as sheep to be shorn, then let’s sprinkle in a few “sheepdogs” with big teeth in the flock.

Guess which gay to bash? Buzz, wrong, you picked a Pink Pistol and you’re dead!

Guess which woman to bash? Buzz, wrong, you picked a Paxton Quigly and you’re dead!

Guess which brown person to bash? Buzz, wrong, you picked a Massad Ayoob and you’re dead!”

*** end quote ***

GUNS: Let’s sprinkle in a few “sheepdogs” with big teeth in the flock
Thursday, November 2nd, 2006 at 20:26
