POLITICAL: Negative rights and free condoms


Saturday, March 3, 2012

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The hit topic was Rush Limbaugh’s abuse of a Georgetown University female student. Sandra Fluke. Sandra testified before a Congressional committee earlier in the week in support of birth control. She believed it should be available free to women under Obama health care.

Limbaugh referred her as a “slut” and “prostitute.” His theory basically was that if  Sandra wanted her contraception pills paid for by another, she wanted to have her sex paid for. Any woman who wanted her sex paid for was a prostitute.

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Sorry, but I agree the sun has affected your legal mind. Negative rights?

If I have to pay for this woman’s birth control, then I am slave. The only rights a human is entitled to is negative ones. (Like John Locke said.) No one can prevent me from speaking; they don’t have to listen, but they can shut me up.

Positive rights — a “right” to healthcare, condoms, unionize — enslave some one to some extent. DO the doctors have to work 50% for free? Do the condom makers have to give away their product? Do workers have be enslaved to a Big Union and a Big Company at the same time? Positive rights create a requirement that someone provide them. Who?

Sorry, but imho, you are just flat wrong.

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