HEALTH: Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease with Diet; similar evidence exposed the Covid plandemic

Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease with Diet
Written By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM on February 1, 2022

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  • The dramatic increase in dementia in Japan over recent decades has been associated with an increase in animal products, including meat, and a decrease in rice consumption.
  • Animal fat and meat consumption has gone up by 500 percent in Japan, while calories only increased by approximately 10 percent.
  • Across countries, intake of meat, especially, as well as eggs and high-fat dairy, appears to be the “most important dietary link” to Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline have been associated with diets heavy in meat, sweets, and fat, while most plant foods are associated with reduced risk.
  • Many factors have been proposed as the cause of high-fat, diet-induced damage to the brain, particularly with aging, including inflammation and changes to blood vessels and the integrity of the blood-brain barrier.
  • On autopsy, the cerebral arteries of Alzheimer’s patients are so clogged with atherosclerotic plaque packed with cholesterol and fat that they are nearly closed.
  • The standard American diet, rich in saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal products, has been shown to compromise the integrity of blood vessels in the brain.

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When did the Covid truth bubble break?  

When Israel had a huge number of “breakthrough” deaths.  When Florida didn’t have any spike in deaths despite not locking down and having a lot of old people there?  When college and pro football stadiums were packed with people and no spike?  When the Sturgis motorcycle rally didn’t result in anything with Covid. 

Or was it when we saw pictures of politicians, bureaucrats, and “celebrities” frolicking without masks or “social distancing”.

So to here we have strong evidence that the “Standard American Diet” is a cause of all sorts of bad results — one of which is Alzheimer’s!

What can we do?
