INTERESTING: 2010 case resolved

Eagle Scout finds state park gunman’s remains in Utah cave 5 years later
Published December 25, 2015  Associated Press

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Shumway, a 23-year-old Utah Valley University student, told The Associated Press than he and his 15-year-old brother had decided to spend two weeks over winter break searching for Arellano — a mission their police officer father helped with five years earlier. An outstanding $30,000 reward for Arellano was part of the draw, Shumway said.

“For a poor college student, that’s pretty appealing,” he said.

Shumway added that resolving the case was a big thing for the Moab community. “There’s lots of closure that would come with finding this guy because no one really knew if he was dead or alive,” he explained.

Shumway, an Eagle Scout who grew up exploring caves and canyons in the area, said he was confident he could find Arellano’s body after studying the case and discussing the search area with his father.

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I find this interesting.

One, the original “manhunt” was obviously useless.

Two, imagine dying alone in the back of a dark cave?

Three, how much other “reward money” is just waiting to be found?

Four, it all started from a “no camping zone” violation. Argh!

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