GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Hollywood bribes the District of Corruption

10 Things Hollywood Won’t Tell You
Now playing: sequels, 3-D reruns and long ads.

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6. “We scratch Washington’s back…”

Yep, even Hollywood has a lobbying arm: the Motion Picture Association of America, which spent more than $2 million wooing elected officials last year. And its positions aren’t always popular with either the public or politicians. Recently, the association, under the stewardship of former U.S. Sen. Chris Dodd, pushed for antipiracy legislation designed to keep films from being easily shared and copied online. But the bills were seen as restricting the overall use of the Internet and failed to garner support. After Congress put the legislation on hold, Dodd warned that “those who count on ‘Hollywood’ for support need to understand that this industry is watching very carefully who’s going to stand up for them when their job is at stake.” That led some critics to charge that the MPAA was bullying legislators and prompted an online petition asking the White House to “investigate this blatant bribery.” The Obama administration declined to comment on the petition.

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This one caught even an old grump like me. I thought they were just “liberals”. Turns out they are “unindicted coconspirators”!  

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