RANT: DJT is the victim of a vindictive witch hunt


Nothing’s better for Republican unity than Democratic lunacy! Biden and the Left are salivating at the chance of bankrupting Trump, but JOSH HAMMER reveals why the $454M ruling against Donald will end up costing THEM dearly

By Josh Hammer For Dailymail.Com
Published: 08:48 EDT, 21 March 2024 | Updated: 10:08 EDT, 21 March 2024 

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In New York, there’s no bail for murderous thugs who roam the streets of the Big Apple.

Yet a Republican presidential candidate, leading in the polls against Uncle Joe, gets no such mercy.

Folks in the Bronx, Brooklyn, and other crime-ravaged NYC neighborhoods would love to see that reversed.

No one can earnestly look at what’s been done to Trump and see anything other than a vindictive witch hunt – and America is watching.

Who wants to live in a country where you’re targeted by the all-powerful state simply for holding the ‘wrong’ opinions?

Never-Trumpers and supporters of Nikki Haley have a choice this November: It’s either Trump or these vicious leftists, who’ll stop at nothing to injure their political opponents.

It won’t be a hard choice.

Josh Hammer is the syndicated host of ‘The Josh Hammer Show’ and senior editor-at-large at Newsweek 

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Anyone, who has any sense of fair play, should be outraged at this perversion of “justice”.

Sorry from the get go this is nothing more than a modern day lynching.

Shome on “We, The Sheeple” in the Pepuls Republik of Nu Jerk for letting this happen.
