INTERNET: State of Texas forgets that the internet is designed to route around blocks

Pornhub pulls out of Texas: World’s largest adult content website restricts access in Lone Star State over Gov. Greg Abbott’s age verification law

  • Last week, an appeals court in Texas upheld the law with the battle likely now to rage on. The appeals court did strike down a law requiring users to red a health and safety warning before logging on 

By Paul Farrell For Dailymail.Com
Published: 06:53 EDT, 15 March 2024 | Updated: 07:06 EDT, 15 March 2024

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The world’s largest adult content website, Pornhub, has blocked users from accessing it and its sister sites in Texas over a dispute regarding an age verification law that the Lone Star State passed in 2023. 

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Now don’t get me wrong, I think PORNHUB is despicable and disgusting.

That being said firmly upfront.  Texas politicians and bureaucrats have ventured far beyond the protections of the First Amendment.  (We can argue about the “incorporation doctrine” making it apply to the States.  But that is the current interpretation.)

It’s also just stupid because the simple use of a VPN can bypass any “location check”.

If you really wanted to do age verification, make the law that “adult material” must be protected by a credit card verification of age, that is technically feasible.

But politicians and bureaucrats are so dumb!
