ConspiracyTheories: Do “noses of planes fly through buildings”?

Trump: “how could a plane (a 767/747) possibility go through the steel”…

Dr. Paul Alexander

Mar 11, 2024

*** begin quote ***

Stay focused on the one thing.

The live newscast chopper footage of Plane #2 purportedly hitting Tower #2.

Can you do it?

Can you focus on that one thing?

I’m gonna break this down a bit more in the next post. Standing on the shoulders of giants, sure…and adding a few more insights.

::raises hand slowly:: is the shibboleth here.

Off the top of my head.

You are a photojournalist in a chopper documenting a historic “accident.”

Flying around the Twin Towers.

Trained and professional news gathering photojournalists do not zoom in to avoid an approaching plane flying directly at the Twin Towers.

This plane would have been visible incoming on the horizon.

Sure. Maybe it was Dolts Botching Shit.

Made it all the way to the big leagues in the Big Apple. Market #1. NYC.


Trained and professional Gleaming Talking Heads do not mistakenly say that noses of planes fly through buildings as we will hear Peter Jennings saying in the next video.

When I ran some of this last year, I asked if the anchor head voiceovers themselves may have been faked.

When I ran the Day Tapes, I asked if anyone could debunk them.

I want to know what is real. Exactly what happened.

And how it got done.

*** end quote ***

I’m still not sure I believe anything any one says about this tragic event?

There are so many discrepancies.

For me the one that causes me the most consternation is the undamaged passport of one of the terrorits?

That and WTC7’s convenient collapse with all the evidence of Pentagon missing money.

Just all doesn’t add up to me.

# – # – # – # – # 

On my Conspiracy Theories scale  — 

 — * Governmental

 — 3. More likely than not
